Karen Grassle drops bomb about Michael Landon, says he made ‘disgusting’ jokes on set of Little House

After 30 years, Karen Grassle finally confirms rumors’ about Michael Landon on “Little House.”

Little House on the Prairie is a timeless series that has remained iconic and popular since it first aired in 1974. It has never gone off the air, maintaining its popularity throughout the years.

The Ingalls family lives on a farm in Plum Creek, near Walnut Grove, Minnesota. The story explores different themes and is considered one of the best series ever.

Source: Youtube/Melissa Sue Anderson Fan

The actors involved in making the series became very famous in the movie world. Some of the key stars include Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Dean Butler, and many others.

Source: Youtube/Melissa Sue Anderson Fan

Karen Grassle ended up landing the role of Caroline Ingalls by chance. When the producers were searching for an actress for the part, Grassle was actually set to work on a different project in LA. But when she tried to catch her flight, she found out there were no tickets available.

She then got a call from her agent about a film starring Michael Landon whom she knew at the time as “that guy from Bonanza.”

Grassle remembered how they had considered all the suitable candidates in Hollywood. They were running out of time as they had already chosen all the other actors. When Grassle performed the second scene with Mike, he got excited and exclaimed, “Take her to wardrobe!” However, Grassle still needed approval from NBC, so Mike interviewed with the executives on closed-circuit TV.

Karen Grassle, the actress who played Caroline Ingalls in the series, drew inspiration from her own mother while portraying the character. Despite being based on Laura Ingalls Wilder’s popular Little House books and her own childhood, Grassle’s performance was influenced by her personal connection to the role.

“If you read Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books and see photos, Caroline was very tough and sturdy,” she explained. “My mother rode a horse barefoot to school, and as a young woman, she taught in a one-room schoolhouse! So I took her character, strength and wisdom and infused Caroline with that.”

When she joined the cast, the actress may not have realized how famous “Little House on the Prairie” would make her and the crew. Karen mentioned that during her time on the show, Michael Landon worked hard to keep everyone in good spirits. He had a lot of responsibilities and faced challenges, but he always tried to bring joy to the set.

Source: Youtube/Melissa Sue Anderson Fan

However, as the series gained more and more popularity, Grassle and Michael Landon got into a fight about the amount of money she earned.

According to the Daily Mail, Grassle reveals in her book that Landon frequently criticized her, made fun of her, shared offensive jokes, and even belittled her by suggesting she shouldn’t earn more than the child actors on Little House.

She asserts that as his co-star on a popular show, I felt offended. I didn’t aim to overcharge anyone, but I anticipated a reasonable salary.

Grassle explained that he used to say things like, “The network has done some testing and Ma is not the favorite character so they don’t want to give you more money.” He would also say, “You know, it’s a jungle out there.” Additionally, he would mention, “Well, Karen there has to be some parity between you and the girls,” referring to the young actress who played their on-screen daughters.

She informed Closer that Michael had exceptional talent. He came from a troubled family and had a complex personality, but he deeply cared for his team. However, when the show reached the top 10, and she expressed her desire to renegotiate her contract, Michael refused to compensate her. This situation proved to be quite challenging.

Version 1: Grassle chose not to address the disagreement openly as she didn’t want to worsen her relationship with Landon. “I didn’t speak out publicly then,” Grassle explained. “I thought if I kept negotiating, Mike might have made harmful remarks about me.”

After the argument, Landon started removing her scenes and excluding her from the plot.

Grassle also made fun of her physique and her facial gestures, as per Grassle.

She explained, “I felt like I couldn’t move. However, being a woman in the 1970s movie business, I was used to these insults, so I didn’t think to stand up to him. I just stayed professional. I decided to be compliant, act the role, and wait.”

Grassle and Landon reconciled before Landon died in 1991. They had a pleasant conversation reminiscing about the past. Grassle expressed her happiness about the healing that took place between them.

Landon was highly valued by all those who had the pleasure of meeting him. He was an extraordinary individual and an actor who played a significant role in helping many people achieve success. Actor Dean Butler, for instance, shared how Landon greatly influenced his life and career.

He was the type of person who deeply cared for his colleagues and always ensured that every member of the team would have dinner with their family every night. (Version 1)

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